Friday, March 14, 2014

Toot your own horn.

Don't you love this sentiment! I want to take today's post and talk about business for a moment. A lot of time crafters and artist are very intimidated about marketing themselves. It often can come across as snooty or standoffish. The last thing you want for your customers or fan to feel alienated by you. That might world in the world of couture and high fashion but in small business it will make you shutter your doors and put you out of business quick as you can say "I don't understand." My advice to small business owners, crafts people and artist is don't ever be afraid to toot your own horn. Don't stand in a corner at a show and not make eye contact, don't hide in the back, don't be quiet about it when you know you have something to offer. Don't wait for others to do it for you. Don't be afraid to shine. Do speak about what you do, what you make, sell.... what makes you tick. Tell people all about it! Carry business cards and hand them out (don't be obnoxious, of course and pick times to do it). Do participate in social media (the 21st century word of mouth) Get in the habit of introducing yourself to  lots of different people. Put yourself out there. Don't lose faith and keep working hard. If people hear you talking about what you do, they will be interested. If you are enthusiastic and speak from a point of love and knowledge, people will be enthralled. They will love it as much as you do. Tell your story, tell how you made it, what inspired you or how you got into doing what you do. Chances are they will become a happy willing fan, and customer. So if you love what you do, and want to be a  success, never be afraid to toot your own horn!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this hit me right on the head. Thank you for sharing this. I really needed to hear this.
